Syiah Kuala University

Syiah Kuala University (Universitas Syiah Kuala or UnSyiah) was founded on 2 September 1961 and is the largest and the oldest national university in Banda Aceh, Indonesia. Unsyiah has twelve faculties, providing undergraduate and graduate degree programs, and more than 20 research centres in various fields. Among these faculties, programs and centres that are actively hosting the 15th IRSA International conference are:

  1. Social Science and Culture Research Centre (Pusat Penelitian Ilmu Sosial dan Budaya)
  2. Faculty of Economics and Business
  3. Tsunami and Disaster Mitigation Research Center (TDMRC)
  4. Program Studi Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota
  5. Center for the Arts


International Centre for Aceh and Indian Ocean Studies (ICAIOS)

ICAIOS serves as the institutional foundation to maintain a permanent international scholarly presence in Aceh, facilitating ongoing research on both this region, and broader thematic issues that can be fruitfully examined in the context of contemporary Aceh. Furthermore, the Centre provides a valuable resource for the Acehnese intellectual community. ICAIOS governing body consist of representatives from three state universities in Aceh (Syiah Kuala Univesity, Ar-Raniry Islamic State University, Malikul Saleh University).


Aceh Provincial Government

Within the Aceh Provincial Government, BAPPEDA Aceh, an agency within the Aceh Provincial Government that is responsible in providing a medium and long-termĀ development planning in the Aceh Province, and BPBA, an agency within the Aceh Provincial Government that is responsible in managing disasters occurring in Aceh, have been actively participating in hosting the 15th IRSA International Conference.
